At MetroCorr we deliver best-in-class corrosion protection monitoring solutions thanks to our dedicated employees.
Meet Folke Galsgaard who is our product specialist.
Folke has been with us from the early days and has been involved in developing the first dataloggers at MetriCorr. With a background as an Electrical Engineer Folke has throughout his career specialized himself in the development of measuring equipment.
Folke brings knowledge and hands-on-experience to MetriCorr, which makes us able to continue develop and innovate our products to meet industry needs.
Working at MetriCorr, Folke finds it interesting to be a part of the entire process from idea generation to the implementation of the products all around the world:
“I like to see what becomes of the products, and I think that is exciting. The company has a size where it is possible to get in touch with more than just the single branch you are specialized in”
The same goes for the social aspect where everyone knows each other:
“We all have close relationships with our colleagues. You are not just a small piece in a big game – you are actually an important piece in the game”.